Beer and Football

The best things in life. My Random thoughts and probably plenty of complaining.

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Location: Tennessee, United States

Married w/ 2 great daughters. I do construction testing and inspection, mainly runways and roadways. I root for 2 colleges, University of Memphis, and Notre Dame. I like the Cincy Reds and the Tennessee Titans. Favorite beer is Guinness, followed by anything by Schlafly.

July 30, 2006


After reading some of the stink on the South Bend Tribune about Notre Dame recruiting I like this voice of reason:
News and Views from the Board Ops: Scrutiny vs. Scrutiny

July 26, 2006

SMUTTYNOSE Summer Wiezen Ale

Brewery name aside this is a very nice beer. It has all the characteristics you are looking for in a wheat beer, namely it has a bright white light foamy head(reminiscent of meringue). The beer has plenty of carbonation and is a beautful shade of gold. The beer is cloudy, but anyone that has had a wheat beer knows this is typical of a wheat beer. The aroma is light and citrusy. The mouth feel is airy and you can feel the carbonation on the tongue. Although the hops are present the bitterness is not overwhelming. The citrus hint is there in the flavor but the overall flavor is dominated by the wheat. This beer goes down smooth and is perfect for enjoying on a hot summer evening. The after taste is not unpleasant but it is definitely strong. The best advice for that is Have another! Cheers.

July 25, 2006


*Started training to run with my Dad and Sister in the race for the cure 5k in Little Rock. We then found out that even though men are affected by the disease(my Dad's mom died from breast cancer) we can not run in the race. Dad is pissed and has now withdrawn all support from the race, though he will still financially support the Susan G. Komen Foundation. We are now trying to find another 5k to run in in October in Arkansas. It will be my first 5k run.

*My brother who is a video game junkie got me a PS2(yes I know I am behind the times) for my birthday and I am now spending way too much time on it. My wife however has discovered a workout program for the PS2 called Eye Toy Kinetic and she is now on the PS2 more than I am.

*On the Cincy Reds trade: I like the trade in that it shows that we are trying to win. We are at least out there doing something to try and make the team better. It doesn't always work, but sometimes you have to take chances. Also it is nice that the Reds are still relevant on July 25th.

*So ready for football. I am so starved for football that I have been back on the Indiana High School football discussion forum. It helps a little, but their are some dudes that are way more into High School football than I am.

*I am sort of afraid to graduate. It is still a few months away but I am having some anxiety about finding a job that goes with my new degree but pays anywhere near what I am making now. Almost all of the decent jobs out there require 2-3 years experience to make even 5-8,000 less than what I am making now. I have no real future at my current job but it is good money now. The new field has limitless potential but it has a potentially devestating pay cut to get in.

*On July 20th my wife and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. I am particularly proud of this accomplishment as too many of our friends that got married in the 3-5 years after we did have gotten divorced. We've had our rough moments but I wouldn't undo any of the past 10 years for anything. We are friends, companions, partners, parents, and lovers. I don't think you can ask for more than that.

*Nicole is still weird. I just can't seem to bring myself to be mean to her anymore. I will try though.

* I think that Pippa, after World Cup and with the addition of the Israeli-Hezbollah war, has been having a bit of a blog identity crisis. She has posted some pretty funny stuff if you are into British humor, as I am. Check out the Brit Chick link to the left.

* My anniversary present was a Beer of the Month Club membership("That's the gift that keeps on giving all year long Clark") so I will try to post some beer reviews as I try some new ones.

July 07, 2006

Big hit (Block) in football game

Again why I love football.

Sweet Jesus I love Football