Stone Coast 420 IPA India Pale Ale

Stone Coast brewery was the other brewery included in my anniversary present. I really think that other than Stout, IPA's are my favorite beer. If nothing other than the IPA style of beer came out of the English occupation of India then I think it was a good thing. Seriously though this is a damn good representations of the style. A really beautiful beer, a perfect golden color with a nice foamy white head. The fragrance of the beer tells you that you are in for a treat. If you don't like hoppy beer, then stay away from the IPA style, and especially this beer. DO NOT mix this beer with another. You will not be able to taste the other beer. I think that says alot about just how powerful the taste of this beer is... and should be. This beer is not for those who like the standard "American pilsener" ie. budweiser, miller, etc. If that is all you have had in the way of beer, then your in for a real shock if you drink this or any other IPA. For those of you who like the IPA style, do what you can to find some of this, it really does the IPA syle justice.
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